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大家好,我来自中国的北方城市——古城西安,这里有号称世界“第八大奇迹”的秦始皇兵马俑。如果你喜欢中国的历史和文化,我将带领大家从汉语基础学起,使你在轻松学习汉语知识的同时,从中享受到中国文化给你带来的快乐。Hi, I am from Xi'an, a historical city in North China, which is famous all over the world for the Terra Cotta Warriors in Qin dynasty(Bing Ma Yong). I taught Chinese Pinyin for American volunteers in Xi'an during my college. If you have the interest in Chinese, I believe with my serious and patient teaching, you will enjoy from Chinese. P/S, my time could be available according to your free time.