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所在地: China
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I am an university student , I am happy to make friends with students eager to come across English is the mother tongue and learn together with mutual help, making money is not my purpose to teach, so I am willing to work with you to be my friend Yao
服务预约时间: (时区:北京时间) 周日, 周二, 周三, 周六,  9:00 ~ 21:00 (时区换算)
How to travel in chinaSo that you can travel in China, at the lowest cost when the greatest satisfaction ,To tell you some of the Chinese travel tips to save moneymy own lecture notes¥20.00//90分钟
To learn chinese easilyTrust me,then you can speak chinese fluentlyTo negociation with the student¥20.00//60分钟
Appreciation of Chinese PoetryTo provide a platform for the foreign students to read Chinese poetry诗词鉴赏¥20.00//60分钟